Getting the Green Formula Right for Return On Investment

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With the release this week of their second book, The Upcycle, world renowned sustainability guru and visionary architect William McDonough and his German chemist counterpart Michael Braungart give us their latest provocative insight into the future of living green. We’re highlighting this to focus on how investment in the right green home remodeling in Washington, DC, offers significant cost savings to homeowners who are considering a remodeling or addition project in the coming years.

McDonough and Braungart invite us to re-imagine a world where commerce and industry serve the planet to generate a revolution of abundance and improvement. They ask us to take a look at everything we know from a fresh, “cradle to cradle” perspective. And we are. Today we see signs of green awareness everywhere. Making that investment where most of our lives play out – our own homes – just makes good sense.

Return on Green
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In July 2011, Washington, DC, Mayor Vincent C. Gray proclaimed that, “By 2032, the District will be the healthiest, greenest, most livable city in the nation by using sustainability solutions to address core challenges.” Here are some affordable eco-remodeling ideas to make your home more healthy, energy efficient, and sustainable:

Consider Resale Value
While most people don’t consider design a green element, a classic look directly contributes to greater sustainability and won’t need remodeling in 15 years because it’s dated. And, most green remodeling projects return about 30-35 percent in energy savings over time. With fuel prices climbing rapidly, that could mean a lot of green back in your pocket.

Buy With Green in Mind
There are environmentally friendly materials and products to fit the budget of any Washington, DC, homeowner. Thanks to research and technology, we have a marketplace abundant with opportunities to save significant money in everything from construction materials to energy-efficient HVAC and smart appliances. The market has exploded with more nuanced, sophisticated products, such as upcycled fiberboards, vinyls, and composites that boost the environmental performance of your home. Products range from low-VOC paint, to spray-foam insulation, composite fencing, and fiber cement siding.

Build Green = Save Green
From a substantial investment in geothermal heating and cooling, to a simple investment of low flow toilets, the opportunities to save are plentiful and within reach for most homeowners. The good news is green home remodeling in Washington, DC is good for homeowners, good for the economy, and good for the planet.

Green Remodeling Incentives
Check for manufacturers’ rebates on materials, appliances, and fixtures. There are also a wide variety of green remodeling and energy efficiency tax incentives on federal, state, municipal, and local levels. Take advantage of these extra savings when planning renovations and additions creating eco-friendly homes. Plus, you can have a certified Energy Audit performed, make the recommended improvements, and add that to your bottom line when you decide to sell.

The Green Remodeling Payoff
According to Renovation in America, Findings from the 2013 Houzz & Home Survey, “The motivation behind renovation projects is still overwhelmingly to improve the look, feel, flow or layout of the home, but more people this year are also investing to increase home value vs. last year, another sign of increasing confidence in the housing market.” It can be as simple as installing weather-stripping, recycling existing materials, and insulating the walls with energy-efficient products with high ratings. It really doesn’t take a lot of effort to meet green standards as far as home remodeling practices go.

So whether you do it sooner or later, remember your investment in the right green home remodeling in Washington, DC, offers significant cost savings you may not have considered.

Hanlon Design Build