Kids Bathroom Remodeling in Your Washington DC Home

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Kids grow fast, and bathroom remodeling in your Washington DC home requires time, effort and money. Therefore, consider subtle changes in design. The design should be comfortable, practical, easy to clean and safe.

Wondering which colors to choose? You may consider a main color, with a complementary color to give a good contrast. Or a combination with the same color in a different shade. It is best to choose a basic color that is bright, and use very colorful accessories that you could swap out as your children grow.

For safety reasons, doors should be operable from both inside and outside. The toilet and sink should remain at normal height, with a small step stool for the toilet and small bench or chair to access the sink. The cabinet doors should have latches and no knobs. Avoid sharp edges, corners and brittle materials like glass.

Storage is always a concern in bathroom remodeling, and there are many design methods for creating unique storage that will work for kids and their parents. Storage can be on the wall, in the wall, under the counter, over the toilet, in the tub, or beside the tub.

For more information about bathroom remodeling in Washington DC, please contact the professionals at Hanlon Design Build today. Whether you are considering bathroom remodeling for yourself or the kids, our team of experts will create the bathroom of your dreams in Washington DC.

Hanlon Design Build