Flooring Options To Avoid In Your NW DC Bathroom

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The bathroom floor is more than just a surface on which to stand or walk, it is an important design element of the room that deserves as much consideration as the color of paint on the walls. While some flooring materials will work in a bathroom environment, some are better suited than others in terms of safety and durability. Knowing the differences between flooring options before you make the investment is the first step in making the design choices easier down the road. Even thought it is relatively easy to change the cosmetic appearance of the bathroom with new accessories and a fresh coat of paint, the floor is one aspect that requires more than a quick investment of time.

Of all of the flooring options available, most are suitable for any room in your NW DC home, but there are two that are better left out of the bathroom: carpet and hardwood. If it is absolutely necessary for some reason, either of these materials could be installed in the bathroom, but keep in mind carpet is likely to get wet and retain the moisture, while hardwood flooring is likely to become warped and deteriorate quickly as a result of the constant exposure to moisture.

Let’s talk about why carpet in the bathroom is a bad a idea, just for a moment; then we will move on. As the carpet gets wet, the water seeps into the carpet pad beneath it, which will eventually grow mold and can likely cause health problems for some. Beyond that progression of water damage and potential health concerns, the water can eventually seep into the sub-flooring causes weakness and rot. All-in-all, if you must put carpet in the bathroom, invest in a high quality ventilation system as well.

For more information and design tips when remodeling or building a bathroom, contact Hanlon Design Build. The expert architectural and custom design build firm has more than 60 years cumulative experience assisting customers in the Northern Virginia and Washington DC areas.


Hanlon Design Build